When funds allow Operation First Response will cover the cost of the Stellate Ganglion Block for Active Duty Military, Veterans and First Responders. Please consider donating to ensure that those that cannot afford this treatment will have the option to receive it.

What is Stellate Ganglion Block?

The stellate ganglion block (SGB) is a procedure in which an injection of a long-acting local anesthetic, using ultrasound guidance, is made in the side of the neck around the main nerve that controls the “fight or flight” response (the sympathetic nervous system). This nerve, (the cervical sympathetic chain) which is a two-way conduit, connects the parts of the brain that control the fight or flight response (referred to as the central autonomic network) to the rest of the body. By blocking or “turning off” the traffic in the cervical sympathetic chain, it is believed that the parts of the brain that control the fight or flight response are allowed to completely reset, resulting in long-term relief of the associated anxiety symptoms. Multiple peer-reviewed medical studies show that SGB results in significant long-term improvement in chronic anxiety symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI). The SGB takes less than 15 minutes to perform, and benefits are seen in as little as 30 minutes.

To receive more information or schedule an appointment please click on each Doctor’s Name.

Dr. Sean Mulvaney
Dr. James Lynch

Testimony from SGB Recipient’s Wife

I am JC’s wife and I wanted to reach out to you and express our sincere gratitude.  Just recently, you assisted in coordinating with us and Dr. Mulvaney at the Regenerative Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Office in Annapolis, MD.  I have the email chain below to help identify us for you.
I wanted to make sure you knew that your organization’s covering of the procedure for my husband was meaningful and truly appreciated.  You may or may not know, but my husband is a Veteran (4 years active duty) and a Law Enforcement Officer since he got out of active duty in 1997.  The procedure he had done was to help combat PTSD and the symptoms he deals with regularly.  For your organization to cover the expense for us to have this done, was an incredible gift.  It has been a struggle to find relief and to find something affordable is even more difficult.  I wanted to share a little bit more about our story to hopefully convey just how much you and Operation First Response matter.
This is an excerpt from your website: 
What we do not see are the struggles faced by those with traumatic brain injuries and PTSD.  These invisible injuries, if gone untreated, can take a devastating toll on our Heroes and their families.  This can be seen daily in the rise in the suicide rate among our Heroes.  In many cases, these suicides can be directly attributed to the inability to care for his/her family.
These invisible injuries…That is exactly what we are dealing with so often in the Law Enforcement Community.  To see that your organization understands actually made me pause – because at times the Thin Blue Line feels so incredibly thin.  “J” has seen his share of terrible things… from witnessing a horrific accident at Pope Air Force Base way back when he was active duty, to the numerous and countless calls while serving the public as a law enforcement officer, SWAT officer, Fugitive Apprehension Team detective and I could go on.  As a wife (of now 27 years) it is so very hard to watch your husband and father to your children try to battle these “injuries” alone, knowing that you cannot do much to provide relief.  That said, in addition to his own experiences, “J” has been instrumental in establishing a Peer Support Program at the Sheriff’s Office.  He works tirelessly to help his brothers and sisters in Blue work through their trauma and find some sense of good, sense of purpose and value.  He is hopeful that this latest procedure for him, will be yet another arrow in the quiver to share with others that might be looking for relief.  So thank you for being instrumental in that.
“JC”‘s wife

We cannot offer financial aid for this life-changing procedure without your help. Please consider donating through this specific PayPal Button tagged only for the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB).