Due to the recent rain throughout this week, Rosetree Park is flooded and we had to make the difficult decision to cancel our 5k and our walk. The good news is, Springton Lake Middle School was gracious and kind enough to offer their auditorium for us to have our ceremony. Truth is, THIS IS WHAT THIS WHOLE EVENT IS REALLY ABOUT! The Walk is fun, the run is fun BUT the most important part of the day is our ceremony. It’s our chance to HONOR our heroes. We strongly encourage everyone to PLEASE ATTEND and let’s show these heroes that have traveled many miles to be here just how much we LOVE and RESPECT their sacrifices!! All sponsors and vendors will still be supplied the tables that they need. We will be allowed to set up throughout the hallways of the school. Set up at 9am. Springton Lake Middle School- 1900 N. Providence Rd- Media PA. Directly across from Rose Tree Park. Doors will open to the public at 9:30 am.
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